Dr. Temple Grandin is on campus today. We are scheduled to have time with her for a portrait session. If you don’t know her, click here for the trailer of the HBO movie of her story. She is a remarkable woman — Local folks, if you have any time in your schedule to attend any of these events, it will be worth every second. Hope to see you there!
Dr. Grandin’s Schedule
Lecture on autism and disability issues
“All Kinds of Minds Need to Work Together”
4:00 p.m., TSC Ballroom
Open to the public
Book Signing/Art Exhibit
5:00 p.m., TSC Sunburst Lounge
Art Exhibit: Evidence and Artifacts: Facing Autism by Christopher Gauthier, USU assistant professor of art
Open to the public
Lecture discussing animal psychology
Improving Animal Welfare:
A Practical Approach
A Practical Approach
6:30 p.m. TSC Ballroom
Open to the public